Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No More Brazilian Blowouts!

Hello all,

After months of controversy about the Brazilian Blowout/keratin-based straightening system, I have decided to stop using and applying it. Last Fall, the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration ('OROSHA' in the State of Oregon conducted many tests to see if this product was safe, primarily focused on testing levels of formaldehyde in the product. They found that the levels were anywhere from 6.8-11.8, which is a lot higher than the recommended 0.2 or less. 

After the tests, OROSHA issued a statewide hazard alert warning to salons: 

Before the test, the Brazilian Blowout company had sent word to those of us using their products that the Brazilian Blowout was formaldehyde-free and, after the tests, they sent each one of their clients a letter that stated that the OROSHA test's results proved that the levels in the product were safe.

Yesterday I found out that the State of California is suing the Brazilian Blowout Company, alleging that it sold its solution based on false claims that it is safe and formaldehyde-free.

So, after months of back and forth, I have decided to stop offering the service, just to be on the safe side. My clientele's well-being always comes before everything else, and that's something I won't take chances with.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Feather Extensions!

Hello Again.

Today I am going to talk about this crazy frenzy that everyone is caught up in, lately: feather extensions. They are everywhere, these days! Feather extensions are a great way to add color and whimsy to your hair. They're an accessory that we haven't seen since the 1970's. They are put in just like hair extensions with a little metal clip that does not damage the hair. They're easy to put in and easy to remove. If you are careful with them, they can last up to three months.

At first I was hesitant, but they look super cute... so I gave in :)

Feather extensions are great because they can be washed, curled and straightened to match whatever hairdo you desire. Tons of people are rocking them.

They are so popular that it is driving the price up for everyone, including fly fishermen:
Of course, you might point out that this is a fad that won't last long... but we believe in celebrating the present, so we decided to have an event at our salon to celebrate and get together

Feather Extension Extravaganza!

June 24th 4-7PM
Only $15 per extension, a 40% discount.
We will have Complimentary refreshments. Please come join us!
Since it is a special occasion, we will not be taking any appointments for this event. First come, first serve... Hope to see you guys there!

Adrimar Hair Salon
11203 ¼ National Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90064